Hallowe’en at Walterstown NS

Last Thursday Walterstown NS was alive with colour as the girls and boys arrived to school in their Hallowe’en costumes! Superheros, witches, wizards, zombies, fairies and hulks were just some of the characters who we welcomed in the door!

The girls and boys had lots of fun and spent the day partaking in Hallowe’en activities, games and even an outdoor Hallowe’en disco! We all enjoyed the Hallowe’en atmosphere in the school and loved checking out each others costumes and giving our teachers a fright! Well done to everyone for making such a fantastic effort and we hope you have a spooktacular Hallowe’en!!!

Junior Infants 2021

Junior Infants have been painting autumn trees, making rainbow fish and learning new games on the playground. They have been busy during Aistear, building houses from polydrons and lego. They have enjoyed story time at the library, gone on a few nature walks and made lots of new friends!