Green Schools
Green Schools is Ireland’s leading environmental management and education programme for schools. Green Schools encourages young people to engage in their environment by allowing them the opportunity to actively protect it.
At Walterstown NS, we began our application for our 9th Green Schools Flag in September 2022.
The theme of this flag is Global Citizenship Travel. The ultimate aim of the theme is to continue encouraging walking, cycling, scooting, using public transport or carpooling to school.
Green Schools Committee 2021/22
Green Schools Blog 2022/23
September 2022: Walk to School Week
WNS held “Walk to School Week” from September 19th – 23rd 2022. The Green Schools Committee worked hard to encourage as many students as possible to walk or park & stride to school. It was a great way to kick off our application for our 9th Green Flag!
Look below to see the results of our WOW Day on September 21st.
October 2022: Travel Officer Visit
Lisa O’Grady, a travel officer from Green Schools Ireland, visited Walkterstown and met with the Green Schools Committee. She provided us with lots of information and guidance with regards to our environmental review for the 9th Green Flag.
January 2023: Green Code
We held a competition within the school this month to see which class could come up with the best Green Code. There was some stiff competition, but 1st Class were the winners in the end! Our new green code is:
“Going green starts with your feet, walking or cycling can’t be beat”