Our News

Cobh Art Competition

The boys and girls in W.N.S. recently took part in Cobh Art Competition. Using their imaginations they drew a picture themed “Cobh at Christmas Time”.

This competition was a great opportunity for the children to work on their artistic skills and we were really impressed with their drawings, use of colour and attention to detail.

St. Colman’s Cathedral, Belvelly Castle and the “Deck of Cards” were just some of the places that featured in the childrens’ artwork.

Congratulations to all the boys and girls and especially to Ella Kennedy, 3rd class, who won in the 7-8 year old category!

Second Class 2022/2023

It has been a busy first term for Second Class this year. Since returning from midterm break, they have been learning all about data in maths. They walked around the school collecting information and making tally charts. They have been working hard learning about magnets, reading on the school iPads, doing winter chalk art and playing hockey for P.E.

This week Second Class presented their first ever school projects! It was very exciting to research all about animals and every child spoke with confidence when showing-off their hard work. The class heard a lot of interesting facts about a variety of animals.

Attention has now turned to learning songs for the upcoming Christmas Concert. Everyone is looking forward to having a live audience this year and cannot wait to take to the stage in December!

Science Week 2022

We had a fantastic week investigating, experimenting and exploring Science in W.N.S. Amazing explorations took place around the school from magnets, electricity, floating and sinking, dissolving colours, frozen ice cube animals to Leonardo Da Vinci’s inventions.

4th and 5th class took part in a Woodlands Workshop with a lady from Green Schools and Science Week. Well done everyone!

First Class 2022/2023

First Class have been very busy in school the last two months. They have been learning about all the signs of autumn, 2D shapes, enjoying the outdoor classroom, having cosy reading time as well as doing spooky Hallowe’en experiments and art.

They worked so hard each week that the chain touched the floor and they earned some well deserved golden time.

Great fun was had playing board games and building with Lego.

Hallowe’en at Walterstown NS

Spooky, Hallowe’en vibes could be felt in Walterstown NS today as the children arrived to school dressed up in their costumes. Witches, goblins, princesses and cheerleaders were just some of the characters who we welcomed in the door!

The girls and boys had lots of fun and spent the day taking part in scary Hallowe’en activities, arts and crafts and pumpkin hunts. We all enjoyed the Hallowe’en atmosphere in the school and loved seeing all the different, colourful costumes and giving our teachers a fright! Well done to everyone for making such a fantastic effort and we hope you have a spooktacular Hallowe’en!!!

Maths Week 2022

Walterstown NS celebrated “Maths Week 2022” by taking part in a variety of activities across the school.

Look below to see how each club got involved!

  • Junior Infants worked on sequencing.
  • Senior Infants did lots of maths activities. They learned about 3D shapes, number, counting and played paired dice games. They also worked on number recognition and number formation on the iPads.
  • First Class made 2D shape monsters. They played counting jar games and dice games using double numbers.
  • Second class learned some strategies for addition. They played dice and card games to work on their addition and subtraction skills.
  • Third Class worked on addition with hundreds and daily brain snacks.
  • Fourth Class did a fun maths trail around the school while focusing on lines and angles.
  • Fifth Class did target board activities, multiplication pairs, dice games & maths challenges on Kahoot.
  • Sixth Class were working on tangrams
  • Le Chéile had fun with counting and number songs. They made 3D shape robots, worked on measuring skills with recipes & experiments, used money “going to the shop” and made a spooky Halloween number spell.
The Maths Committee organised a brain teaser quiz for each class. Well done to the winners and all who took part!

Senior Infants 2022/2023

Everyone has been working really well since we came back to school. This month we have been learning about the signs of autumn, the number 6 and an scoil. We went on a nature walk this week. We investigated the things that we collected and did colourful leaf rubbings. We also planted daffodil bulbs for spring. We are looking forward to Hallowe’en!

Autumn Nature Walk 🍂 🍁

2nd and 3rd class both enjoyed a nature walk with Bean Uí Riain this the week! They went on a tree hunt, searching for Irish native trees and their leaves. The children collected many fruits and seeds, some of which will be planted in the school garden in the coming weeks.

Everyone had a great time observing nature at work. It was lovely to see evidence of the changing season all around the countryside!

Junior Infants 2022/2023

We would like to welcome our new Junior Infants to Walterstown National School. Since their first day they have really impressed us with their behaviour, manners and enthusiasm! We are looking forward to creating many happy memories with them in the years to come!

Junior Infants have been painting hedgehogs, making rainbow fish and learning new games on the playground. They have been busy during Aistear, building houses from polydrons and lego. They have enjoyed story time at the library, gone on a few nature walks and made lots of new friends!