Our News

Walterstown NS Garden Project

Ballymore Community Association, secretary Breda Carmody, are delighted to support and encourage our school in cultivating a positive and worthwhile attitude towards our school garden area. BCA promotes learning about sustainability, knowledge of wildlife in the garden environment and overall enjoyment of growing and harvesting.

Our School Anthem

Created in keeping with our motto, ‘Ar Aghaidh le Chéile – Moving Forward Together’, our anthem has been written by the children of our school.

This Creative Schools Week, we will amplify our efforts in rehearsing ‘Ar Aghaidh le Chéile’ across the entire school community.

Lyrics of our anthem have been posted to Seesaw with each child provided with a printed copy. You can click on the link to our school YouTube Channel below to view our lyric video. Please feel free to sing along at home.

We will publish the first edition of our anthem to our school YouTube channel once it is ready during Creative Schools Week. The finished production will be recorded professionally and made available across a variety of media.

Enjoy and, Ar Aghaidh le Chéile!

Creative Schools Initiative

Creative Schools supports schools to put the arts and creativity at the heart of children’s and young people’s lives. This initiative provides opportunities for children and young people to build their artistic and creative skills; to communicate, collaborate, stimulate their imaginations, be inventive and to harness their curiosity!

We have set up a student driven Creative Schools Advisory Group who play a central role in developing, implementing and evaluating the programme in our school. The Advisory Group have created a school mantra and made some origami hearts. The school mantra is “All forms of art are fun and cool, so let’s become a creative school!”

Each class in the school has done a handprint activity – to show what creative things are already going on in the school and what creative things they would like to see happening down the line.

The children have identified Creative Points of Interest in the school garden – places where they would like to see artistic things taking place!

Maev O’ Shea is our Creative Associate. Maev works in the Everyman Theatre and regularly visits our school and guides our creativity in new and exciting ways.

Creative Schools is allowing us to create new and enhance existing links with local artists in our community. It is giving our pupils opportunities to broaden their exposure to the arts and is also enhancing wellbeing and positive mental health in Walterstown NS.

BLAST 2021

Each week our resident artist, Julie Forrester, has been visiting the school. She has introduced us to new art forms and has helped us to develop new skills such as critical thinking, collaboration, leadership and innovation.

We are privileged to have a school garden which in itself is a form of art and self-expression. With the help of Julie we have turned it into an imaginative, ever changing, on-site art studio! Every week the children can be seen collecting materials from the garden to use as inspiration for their artwork. They have been busy doing still life drawings, dying crepe paper and printing with foam!

Through engagement with BLAST we have achieved inclusiveness and professional development. We have also enhanced pupil well-being and made a sustainable commitment to the arts!

Global Citizenship and the Marine Environment Action Day

The theme for our Action Day was marine life. All of the children in Walterstown NS dressed up to celebrate this theme. Sea creatures, pirates, fish, deep sea divers and whales were just some of the costumes which could be seen around the school.

3rd to 6th class enjoyed a trip to the beach and the younger classes were busy doing arts and crafts based on the ocean.

We would like to give a special thanks to the PA who organised an ice cream van for the children on this day!

Fire Safety with Cobh Fire Station

David and Paul from Cobh Fire Brigade visited Walterstown NS last Thursday. They gave a very informative fire safety presentation in the halla, before allowing each class the opportunity to explore their fire truck.

The children really enjoyed sitting in the fire truck and learning about all the different equipment and fire safety clothing fire-fighters use.

A big thanks to David and Paul for taking the time to visit our school and providing us with the skills and knowledge to remain safe in any fire emergency!