Our News

Christmas 2021 at Walterstown

The children have designed their own Christmas cards, baked gingerbread men and dressed up in their Christmas jumpers! They have painted Rudolphs, Christmas puddings and even sugar plum fairies! They have created a festive, magical atmosphere in the school and would like to wish you all a very Happy Christmas!!!

Second Class 2021

Second class have been working very hard this year. They are learning a lot and have also been having great fun with their friends in school.

We love science! We learned all about the human skeleton and made some cool cotton bud skeletons to decorate the school corridors. “The Gummy Bear Experiment” was interesting and had some very surprising results. Check out the picture for proof! We planted some daffodils with Bean Uí Riain as well.

Our class love going for walks on the school track and using our whiteboards for handwriting. Second class researched and presented their very first projects last week. They were super impressive!

We have been very lucky to have Diarmuid Kearney (Cobh and Cork U20 footballer) coaching us for PE. He has been working on fundamental movement and Gaelic football skills with us.

Last week, Rang 2 were very proud to win the “Random Acts of Kindness” school contest. The children earned 3 homework passes which they can use whenever they wish! We also made beautiful “Attitude of Gratitude” posters.

Well done everybody!

Hallowe’en at Walterstown NS

Last Thursday Walterstown NS was alive with colour as the girls and boys arrived to school in their Hallowe’en costumes! Superheros, witches, wizards, zombies, fairies and hulks were just some of the characters who we welcomed in the door!

The girls and boys had lots of fun and spent the day partaking in Hallowe’en activities, games and even an outdoor Hallowe’en disco! We all enjoyed the Hallowe’en atmosphere in the school and loved checking out each others costumes and giving our teachers a fright! Well done to everyone for making such a fantastic effort and we hope you have a spooktacular Hallowe’en!!!

Aqua Class 2021

The boys & girls in the Aqua Class have been learning & exploring lots of new things.
We are practicing our reading every day.

To celebrate autumn we made colourful leaf rubbings, friendly squirrels & leafy hedgehogs.
During sensory play time we played with cornflour, shaving foam, playdoh & dried foods.
We had fun with our friends walking on the track, playing in the yard & doing yoga in our classroom.

This month we made ghosts, spiders and witches. We are listening to Halloween songs & rhymes. Happy Halloween everyone!

A very special visitor – Sonia O’Sullivan!

We had the pleasure of welcoming Olympic Silver Medallist and local star Sonia O’Sullivan to Walterstown National School today. Sonia came with Trevor Cummins and did a short athletics workshop with every class in the school.

Everyone was delighted to have a Cobh legend at the school, even though we were a little starstruck! Sonia even modelled the school hat, designed by Rang 6 (more info on this coming soon!).

It was a very exciting day and everyone had fun exercising with Sonia and Trevor.

A huge thanks to them both for sharing their time and expertise with us. We hope they will visit again soon!

First Holy Communion

Congratulations to Rang 3 who made their First Holy Communion last Saturday, October 9th, in St. Colman’s Cathedral. The boys and girls enjoyed a lovely ceremony by Fr. Tom, and great celebrations were had by all. Comhghairdeas libh go léir!

National Tree Day

Zac in Orange Class planted a native Irish wild cherry tree to celebrate National Tree Day on 7th October. The theme was ‘Trees are Good Neighbours’. We will plant it in the school garden next spring.

Cobh Pirates RFC – Rugby For Girls

Cobh Pirates RFC are on the hunt for new players from age 10 to 18.5 for their girls rugby teams. They have a fantastic team of coaches and are all very enthusiastic about developing the girls squads over the next couple of years. Training takes place on Tuesdays: 5.30 – 6.30pm for under 12/14s 5.30 – 6.45pm for under 16/18s Any younger girls (age 5-12 year olds) can attend Mini’s rugby training on Saturday mornings at 11am. Please register interested players with Charlotte on 087-6332345. (Send player name, date of birth and parent contact info). See the attached poster for more information!

First Class 2021

First Class have been very busy working hard and having lots of fun with their friends since they returned to school. They have drawn self portraits and painted beautiful autumn trees. They have been learning all about nocturnal animals and have constructed colourful hedgehogs to brighten up the classroom walls!

They also love practising their numbers and recording themselves speaking as Gaeilge using microphones. Every week they work hard to earn Golden Time on a Friday. They use this time to play board games, build with LEGO and check out the latest books in their library!

Calvin Jones – School Wildlife Safari

There was great excitement in the school on Tuesday when we had our first visitor since the beginning of the pandemic!

We were delighted to welcome Calvin Jones to Walterstown National School. Calvin, Founder and Managing Editor of Ireland’s Wildlife, is a Natural History Heritage Specialist on the wonderful “Heritage in Schools Scheme”.

Calvin brought some lucky classes outside to the field to take part in a “School Wildlife Safari”. Each class got an insight into local wildlife and got an opportunity to explore the school surroundings on the search for plants, insects, birds, amphibians and mammals. Calvin’s safari gave our students the freedom to indulge their innate curiosity and reconnect with nature on their own terms.

Everyone had great fun exploring and learned a lot about the wildlife of Ireland, particularly the wildlife in our own local area.

A huge thanks to Calvin for taking the time to visit Walterstown and sharing his passion for the natural world with us!

Be sure to take a look below at some of the pictures from our wildlife safari!